Are you ready to let go of self-sabotage & Align with your Highest Self?

Introducing Aligned Collective: A 6-Week Group Coaching Program and Conscious Breathwork Series for Women Ready to Overcome Self-Sabotage, Cultivate Self Love and Thrive

Aligned Collective combines Group Coaching with the power of Conscious Breathwork for a 6 Week Journey of Embodied Transformation.

Over the 6 weeks you will be guided through the A.R.T.E of Alignment, a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of your self sabotaging patterns and self-limiting beliefs in order to create lasting and tangible shifts at the deepest level.

We cannot heal with mindset work alone. Together we will uncover how your emotional state, nervous system, subconscious programming, habitual behaviours and mental patterning affects your wellbeing, and explore concrete steps for you to shift your narrative and creating lasting change.

So you can feel amazing in your body, happier in your everyday life and more connected to yourself than ever before!

Do you struggle with:

Constantly overthinking, feeling overwhelmed by emotions and unable to move forward?

Consciously or unconsciously self-sabotaging any positive behaviour changes?

Engaging in numbing behaviours such as binge eating, over drinking, over scrolling, mindless Netflix marathons etc?

Persistent stress, the inability to relax and rest or symptoms of burnout?

Anxiety, constantly worrying about the future, a lack of self-trust and a low levels of self love?

Feeling uninspired, out of touch with your purpose, dreams and intuition?



The A.R.T.E of Alignment is my four pillared approach to embodied alignment. Combining neuroscientific and holistic coaching techniques, somatics, breathwork and practical spirituality, this method offers you a true mind-body-soul approach to transformation. This proven process is the culmination of what I have seen really works to create sustainable changes in my clients.


    By activating self-awareness you will get clear and specific on what it is you really want and how you want to feel, as well as identify and uncover what it is that’s holding you back from getting there.


    In order to create lasting shifts, we need to do so from a regulated nervous system. Be guided through tools and practices to help you to navigate your life with more calm, confidence and ease.


    Here we delve into the reprogramming of self-limiting beliefs and patterns on both a mind-based and body-based level. Learn to process your emotions, rewrite your stories and shift your reality.


    It's not enough to simply gain awareness and make changes on a conceptual level. Embodiment is where the practices come alive as you learn to fully integrate what you have learnt and embody your most aligned self in your daily life.

Alignment feels like:

You move through your days with a sense of ease and flow. Challenges that do arise are quickly resolved.

You feel optimistic and excited about the future. You live with a deep sense of gratitude and presence. You know you are always guided.

You feel connected to your purpose and see yourself as a co-creator of your reality. You trust your choices and your path wholeheartedly.

You are committed to your growth and show up for yourself consistently, in both big and small ways.

Although you still experience a range of emotions, you process them easily, without attachment. Your baseline is calm, content and relaxed. You are not so easily triggered. You have the ability to respond rather than react.

You no longer look outside of yourself for validation. You experience a well of infinite love within you that spills out over to both yourself and others.

How it works

Aligned Collective is a 6 week online group coaching program and breathwork series. Each week* I will share a themed workshop on a live call, with mind-body-soul based guided practices, frameworks and tools that you will integrate into the week ahead. There will also be space for group sharing and insights.

Each session will end with a 40 minute Conscious Breathwork Journey, working with the theme of the week. This powerful process will amplify your capacity to cultivate shifts and receive insights to take you forward into the week. 

In addition I will offer each woman a weekly voicenote check-in, where they can share their process and where I can offer additional guidance if needed, so you are fully held and supported throughout.

*Week 4 will be an integration week with no live call.

What’s Included?

In addition to the 5 live calls, you will receive:

An Aligned ‘Self Work’ workbook with exercises to complete between sessions, as well as a supplementary material to the live calls.

Guided Meditations & Breathwork, Audio and Visual Practices and other Educational Videos that are yours to keep forever.

An Individualised Weekly Voicenote Check-In for your to share any insights, discuss what’s coming up for you or for additional guidance, accountability and support.

A Whatsapp Accountability Group for Collective Support (optional to join!)

A Downloadable Recording of Each Session for you to keep

OPTIONAL: Add on either one or two 60 minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Olivia for a reduced rate.



R3300 or $330


R1650 x 2 (Payment Plan)

*Option to add on Private Coaching Sessions at Checkout

Client Love

“My sessions with Olivia literally changed my life, the tools I learned are something I will carry with me always.”

Caileigh Grigoriadis

Johannesburg, South Africa

“Olivia shares practical, useful techniques and practices to help everyone - and, I really do mean everyone - live a more aligned, fulfilled life.”

Candice Bresler

Cape Town, South Africa

“Since working with Olivia I’ve unlocked a secret weapon in myself, which is the unshakeable belief that my own beliefs are the only thing standing in my way. I can now own them to act from my Highest Self and achieve positive results.”

Loren Koliadis

London, United Kingdom

Meet your Guide

As a yoga and meditation teacher and dedicated practitioner, she is guided and inspired by yogic philosophy and Buddhist teachings, stemming from her 550 hours of yoga teacher trainings in both Bali and India, as well as the experience of sitting three Vipassana 10 Day Silent Retreats. 

Working closely with Bodhi Khaya Retreat Centre she has facilitated over 30 retreats in the last 2.5 years. ‘Holding space’ in this way is both a gift and a highlight of her work that spills out into all that she does. 

Lover of wisdom, seeker of knowledge, Olivia has spent countless hours of self study and research into all things wellness, self development and spirituality, which she integrates into her coaching practice after dedicated self-experiment. Notable influences include Dr Wayne Dyer, Sheleana Aiyana, Micheal Singer, Eckhart Tolle, Dr Andrew Weil, Shinzen Young, Lacy Philips and Ashley Wood. 

Having undergone her own personal journey of transformation, working with her own mentors, coaches and guides, she is an embodiment of the work she shares, gifting her with the ability to meet her clients where they are at on their journey.

She moves between her home in Stanford, South Africa where she lives with her two dogs, Luna and Maya, and her partner Jan’s home in Cape Town, where she holds monthly breathwork workshops and live events.

Olivia Moon is a Holistic ‘Alignment’ Coach, Conscious Breathwork Practitioner, Retreat Facilitator and Yoga and Meditation Teacher from Cape Town, South Africa.

Olivia has coached dozens of women through her signature 1:1 12 week program, Aligned, and guided hundreds more at her in-person workshops and retreats. Her unique coaching framework combines neuroscientific and holistic coaching tools with somatics, breathwork and practical spirituality, leading to life-changing results. 

Her approach is grounded in years of trainings and courses from a wide range of experts in the fields of neuroscientific and holistic coaching, somatics, polyvagal theory, conscious breathwork and movement therapy, including Dr Amanda Blake, Alan Fogel, Jeffery Allen, Janet Stone, Maggie Hayes, Dawson Church, Dr Stephen Porges, Suzanne Gudersen, Michael Bijker, Rebecca Kordecki, Joshua Rosenthal and more. 


  • Conscious Breathwork makes use of a technique called Conscious Circular Breathing. Conscious Circular Breathing is a powerful breathing pattern that has the capacity to induce an altered state of consciousness, activating the bodies' inner healing intelligence, expanding awareness and relieving physical tension and stress in the body, as well as clearing past trauma and releasing unprocessed emotions. Breathwork facilities deep transformation, cleanses the body, is powerfully insightful, unblocks stuck energy and rebalances your being on all levels, creating positive shifts.

  • As with all coaching and self work, what you get out of it will depend on what you put in. That being said, as long as you are able to dedicate at least 30 minutes per day, in addition to the live weekly call, you will experience progress. You will need longer on the days you complete the homework exercises.

  • The live calls will be on Tuesday from 7pm to around 8:15pm SAST. There will be 5 calls, with one week as an integration week with no live call. You are encouraged to attend all calls live, but if you cannot make a session for some reason, you will have access to the replay. You will be required to watch the replay before the following week.

  • Yes, absolutely. It may require a little more dedication at first, but the practices are designed to be accessible (and yet super effective) for anyone.

Still have questions?

Feel free to reach out and ask me anything.